United Kingdom · 21 April 2024

Kinder Scout, Peak District - NOW MAM TOR

Free Meet Up: A circular route to Mam To, Lose Hill, through Castleton & Winnats pass.



Fancy joining us as we take one of our favourite trails in the Peak District? We'll be meeting at the car park early doors and heading first up to the peak of Mam Tor whilst the sun is low and the ridge is golden, we'll walk over the ridgline to the next cairn of Lose Hill. A stroll down through the farmers fields, streams and pathways to get to Castleton where we'll stop for breakfast and a good catch up with new friends. From there we'll take the scenic route through Winnats Pass.





Day Schedule

7:45 AM - Meet-Up at Mam Nick Car Park

  • Please arrive at Mam Nick car park at 7:45 AM for a prompt meet-up. This will give us a chance to introduce ourselves, run through the hike and any safety measures, and ensure everyone is ready. A whats app group will be created closer to the time to send the exact location and a meeting point so please leave your contact number upon registration.

8:00 AM to 09.30/10am - Hike Mam Tor to Lose Hill & Castleton

  • This part of the hike should take up to two hours depending on our pace, this hike will be of mixed abilities and will be taken at a leisurely pace to accommodate everyone. Relax, enjoy the views and get to know the group. As we delve into the hike, we'll encounter varying terrains and the landscapes of the peaks. We'll take brief, scheduled stops to rest, hydrate, and snap some photos.

9.30/10.00am - Breakfast

  • As we approach the quaint village of Castelton, you'll have time to look around and see the village, before we take our little spot for breakfast and a good old chin wag with the group.

11.00 - 12/1.00pm - Castleton through Winnats pass

  • Save the best until last, a scenic but elevated walk through Winnats Pass. The last push back to our cars.

12/1.00pm - Wrap-Up and Goodbyes

Please note, this schedule and timings may change drastically depending on numerous factors and circumstances out of our control throughout the day. 

Please get familiar with the FAQ's on the bottom of the page to answer any questions you may have about what to bring and other important information about the day. And please feel free to contact us direct if there are any questions you have that haven't been stated.


This hike is considered moderate in difficulty. It covers varied terrain that includes some steep inclines and potentially rugged paths. While it's accessible to those with a basic level of fitness, it's a good idea to have some hiking experience under your belt. The total walking time could be around 4/5 hours, not including breaks, so stamina is key.

We recommend that you have had some physical activity leading up to the hike to ensure you enjoy the day fully. It's also essential to wear appropriate footwear and carry water and snacks to stay energised. If you have any concerns about your ability to participate, please feel free to reach out. We aim to support all hikers in having a positive and fulfilling experience.

The Kinder Scout hike, specifically the route that includes Kinder Downfall, typically involves an elevation gain of around 568 meters. This elevation gain is accumulated gradually over the course of the hike, making it a manageable climb for those with moderate fitness levels. The route offers a mix of terrains, including some steep sections, which contribute to the overall elevation gain. Remember, the effort is well rewarded with stunning views and the unique landscape of the Peak District's highest point.

Layered Clothing:

  • Base Layer: Start with a moisture-wicking base layer to keep sweat away from your skin, which is especially useful for managing your body temperature.
  • Mid Layer: Add a lightweight, insulating layer for warmth. Fleece is a great option because it's breathable and provides good insulation.
  • Outer Layer: A waterproof and windproof jacket is essential. The weather can change quickly in the Peak District, and you’ll want to stay dry and protected from the wind.


  • Opt for lightweight, durable, and water-resistant hiking trousers. Avoid jeans as they become heavy and uncomfortable when wet.


  • Wear well-fitted hiking boots or trainers with good ankle support and a sturdy grip. The terrain can be uneven and slippery in places, especially after rain.


  • Thick, moisture-wicking socks are important to keep your feet dry and prevent blisters.


  • Hat and Gloves: Even in warmer months, it can get chilly, especially at higher elevations. Bring a hat and a pair of gloves just in case.
  • Sunglasses and Sunscreen: Protect yourself from UV radiation, which can be stronger at higher altitudes.
  • Backpack: A small to medium-sized backpack is useful for carrying water, snacks, a first-aid kit, and any extra layers.


  • Walking Poles: These can help with balance and reduce strain on your knees during descents.
  • Gaiters: Useful for keeping mud and moisture out of your boots, especially if the trail is wet.

Remember, the key is to be prepared for changing weather conditions and to dress comfortably for physical activity. Check the weather forecast before you head out and adjust your clothing choices accordingly.


  • Water: At least 2 liters per person to stay hydrated throughout the hike.
  • Snacks: High-energy, lightweight snacks like nuts, trail mix, energy bars, or fruit.
  • Lunch: optional sandwich or light snack incase the hike spans over lunchtime.
  • Mobile Phone: Fully charged, for emergency contact. Consider a portable charger as well.

Clothing and Gear:

  • Spare Socks: To change if the first pair gets wet.
  • Extra Layer: An additional warm layer in case the weather turns colder than expected.
  • Waterproof Bag: To keep your items dry in case of rain.

Optional Items:

  • Camera: For capturing the scenic views and memorable moments.
  • Binoculars: Great for birdwatching or viewing distant landscapes.
  • Sitting Mat: Lightweight and useful for breaks to keep you dry and comfortable.
  • Notebook and Pen: For jotting down thoughts, sketches, or details of your hike.
  • Sun Protection: Sunscreen and a sunhat for sunny days.
  • Insect Repellent: Especially useful in warmer months.
  • Whistle: For emergency signalling if you get separated from the group.

Environmental Care:

  • Trash Bag: Always carry out what you carry in, to keep the natural environment pristine.
  • Reusable Water Bottle: To minimize plastic waste.

Remember, it’s all about balancing what you need with not overpacking. Every extra item adds weight, so consider the length of the hike, the weather, and your own needs before finalising your pack. 

Yes, but a reasonable level of fitness is required as the terrain can be challenging in parts. If you're unsure as to whether you'll be physically able to join, please don't hesitate to get in touch with us on our contact page and we can discuss your needs. 

Dogs are welcome but must be kept on a leash at all times and may need to carried in certain areas over uneven terrain. They are under your care and must be your responsibility at all times. 

By booking this hike, you acknowledge that you are responsible for your own health and safety. Ensure you are in good health and prepared for the physical demands of the hike.

Please let us know at least 24 hours in advance if you need to cancel, so your spot can be offered to someone else.

Kinder Scout, Peak District - NOW MAM TOR

United Kingdom · 21 April 2024 · 5 hours